Friday, January 19, 2007

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery

What a wonderful little book! I've read this book twice before - years ago in French and more recently in Spanish. In both cases, it took me forever to read the book and I was so focused on figuring out what each word/sentence meant that I didn't even remember the story. This time I read an English translation (2000, by Richard Howard,) with "restored original art", and I loved it! I'll definitely be re-reading this one periodically. And I immediately pulled a couple of other Saint-Exupery books off my bookshelf to re-read.


Anonymous said...

Have you read his Wind, Sand and Stars? A meditative and beautiful book. I'm very impressed that you read The Prince in both French and Spanish!

Donna said...

I started Wind, Sand and Stars last night. I must've read it years ago because I found a copy I owned.
My French and Spanish are so bad, I understood the book for the first time when I read it in English... Not so impressive :-)